Long long ago, so long ago, nobody knows how long ago, there were three friends who always used to quarrel with each other. They were, a bed named Ted, a pillow named Willow, and a bedsheet named Bridgette.
The three of them always used to quarrel with each other. They used to start their verbal fight in the morning which used to continue till the late night. It seemed that they had no other job other than quarreling with each other. They knew that they had to live together with each other throughout their life, but instead of being friendly with each other, they used to fight everytime.
Ted, the bed, always says that he is the reason behind the sound sleep of the people, it's not the pillow or the bedsheet. He also says that he is very spongy and comfortable unlike the other two who are not spongy and comfortable.
Willow the pillow says that she is the reason behind their sleep, it's not the bed or the bedsheet. She also says that she is very soft, and when people sleep on Willow they immediately go to sleep.
Bridgette the bedsheet says that she is the reason for their sound sleep, it's not the bed or the pillow. She also says that she is very smooth and when people sleep on her they immediately go to sound sleep.
The three of them keep on boasting themselves, they disagree with one another, and this goes on everyday till the late nights.
One day things went too far and they started pillow fight, I mean a physical fight, which involved pillow, bed, and the bedsheet to fight with one another. The pillow smashed the bed and the bedsheet, the bedsheet covered the bed and the pillow and rolled them down. The bed which was stronger then pillow and the bedsheet, threw them towards the wall. The tap which was on the wall was hit by Willow the pillow and it started leaking and within few minutes all three of them got soaked in water, but still they did not stop fighting. They punched each other, they kicked each other, and they smashed each other. Finally, they fell on the ground and started panting. As they were totally exhausted, they dragged themselves towards their own places and settled down there.
Late that night, a young lad who was little bit tired and sleepy came to sleep. As soon as he hit the bed, he felt that the pillow was as hard as a rock, and the bedsheet was scratchy, and bed felt like as if he was sleeping on a rough ground.
He immediately got up from there, and angrily used abusive words on each of them and went to sleep on the floor. As soon as he slept on the floor, he felt rather comfortable than those three, and immediately had a sound sleep.
Ted the bed, Willow the pillow, and Bridgette the bedsheet, saw each other's face and since then they never ever fought with each other, as they realised that boasting oneself always keeps them away from reality and they have also realised that everyone has their own flaws so, one should never point out others flaws instead they should try to eradicate their own flaws.