Friday, 23 September 2022

Mathematics puzzle test. If 11 x 11 = 1, 22 x 22 = 16, then what is 33 x 33 = ?


Mathematics puzzle test is a test to know the mathematical ability of a person. It helps in improving the mathematical knowledge of a person. 

What's the test?

The test is to know the answer of a mathematical calculation. The question is given below:

11 x 11 = 1,

22 x 22 = 16,

Then what is 

33 x 33 = ? 

So, this is the question for which you need to give the answer. 

Here 11 x 11 = 1 and it is not 121 and in the same way 22 x 22 = 16 and not 484. In the similar way 33 x 33 = ? And definitely it is not 1089.

So, then what is the answer for this puzzle. If you observe meticulously then you'll find out that the answer is very simple. 

The calculation needed for this question is very simple one, so hurry up and answer this simple question. 

I hope by now you have found out the answer for this question. 

If yes, the write your answer in the comments section. 

And till now if you have not yet found the answer for this question then don't worry I'll tell you the answer for this question. 


 The answer for this puzzle is given below:

11 x 11 = 1

1x1 x 1x1 = 1


22 x 22 = 16

2x2 x 2x2 = 16

4 x 4 = 16


33 x 33 = ? 

3x3 x 3x3 = ? 

9 x 9 = 81

So, the answer for this puzzle is 81.

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

It has its heart on its head? What is it?

 Name the animal which has it's heart on its head. The name of the animal is slightly visible, let's see whether you would be able to find it out or not. 

The question here is  _____  has heart on its head. You have to answer what has heart on its head or which animal has heart on its head. You have to name the animal in the comments section. The answer is already there, but it is not clearly visible. You need to watch carefully to know the answer. 

This is a puzzle kind of thing, where question is asked to find out the answer and answer is slightly visible to the naked eye. If one observes carefully the answer will be visible to him. One needs to have keen observation to answer such questions. 

So let's see how good is your eye sight. The answer is only visible to those who have good eye vision. The question for which you need to give answer is given in the below picture watch carefully and answer the question. 

The hint for this question is that the animal lives in water. It has it's heart in its head. Most of the animals and even human beings have their heart in their chest, but this animal has it's heart in its head. 

Another hint is that it is well eaten sea food in many of the coastal areas in the world. It is a healthy sea food with good nutritional value. 

This puzzle can be solved by even a small child, it is that easy. 

There is one condition that no one should refer any books, or ask anyone, or google it etc., it is clearly visible in the picture so watch carefully and answer this question. 

I'll show you the picture again in a medium size so, that you may watch it correctly and answer the question. 

Now did you get the answer. There are two pictures now with the same question, watch it in the medium sized picture or in the large sized picture to answer the question correctly. You can watch any picture and give the correct answer to the missing word in the statement above. But do not take anybody's help as the answer is there itself. Watch carefully and give the correct answer. 

I think that by now you have got the answer to the question above. If you know the answer then quickly write it in the comments section. Only very few people with good eye sight answer this statement without taking anybody's help. So, if you have found the missing word then it implies that you have a good vision. 

And if you have still not found the answer for this question then don't worry I'll tell you the answer, but before that I'll give you the method to find the answer. 

So, to know the answer what you need to do is tilt the phone Or what ever device you are using. Tilt it slowly. Don't damage your device. So, while tilting here and there you may find the answer.

If still you are unable answer this statement, then don't worry at all. I'll tell you the answer for it. 

The answer is SHRIMP. Yes, shrimp has heart in its head. So, as you have known the answer please reply your experience in the comments section, please do not hesitate to give any feed back. 

So, keep on watching my upcoming puzzles, optical illusions etc., and also if you want, you can watch my previous puzzles also. Thanks for watching. Enjoy n have fun. 

Monday, 19 September 2022

Find the missing numbers?

 Find the missing numbers in the picture. This is not calculation related, it is related to good eye sight. 

This optical illusion picture shows few numbers, among which two numbers are missing. If you have good eye sight then you can easily find out the missing numbers. 

Here in this picture there are six numbers among which two are missing. If you watch it meticulously then you can easily find out the numbers. 

The visible numbers here are 5,8,3, and 4. But there are two other numbers which are slightly visible. 

These slightly visible numbers can be found out with keen observation. 

So, look at them carefully to know the missing numbers. 

Here is the picture, watch carefully n find out the missing number mystery. 

I hope you found out the answer, if yes then type in your answers in the comment section. 

If you have not yet found the answer then don't worry, I'll tell you the way to find the answer. 

The missing numbers are between 8 and 3, 3 and 4. 

So, if you want to know the answer just what you need to do is just tilt your phone or laptop or what ever medium through which you are watching. And do it carefully, don't hustle. 

So, when you are tilting the device carefully then you will be able to see the missing numbers which are having less opacity. So, I hope that you have found the answer now. 

If still you have not found the answer, then I'll tell you the answer. 

And the answer for this optical illusion is 1 and 6.

So, 1 and 6 are the answers for this optical illusion. 

Keep on watching for more optical illusion stuff here. Have a nice day. Enjoy n have fun. 

Sunday, 18 September 2022

If March = 538 and April =549, then May = ?

 Can you solve this question? If you know the answer then reply it in the comments section. The question is, if March = 538 and April =549 then May = ? 

If you see the question carefully, then it is very easy to answer this question. If you answer this question then it implies that you have a good IQ. 

Not only IQ but good observation skills are also required very much to solve this type of questions. 

This type of questions are also asked in competitive examinations. As they will help the examiner to understand your mathematical and observation skills. 

If you got the answer for this question then your IQ n observation skills are very good. 

If you still didn't get the answer for this question then scroll down to know the answer. 

But before that whoever got the answer don't forget to reply in the comments section. 

So the answer for this question is given below:

March = 538

Here 5 is letters in March. March has five letters M A R C H. 

and 3 is, that it is the 3rd month i.e., January 1st, February 2nd, and March 3rd.

And 8 means 5+3=8.

Hence March is 538.

Likewise April = 549

April has five letters, it is the 4th month and 5+4=9.

So the answer for May is 358.

As it has three letters, it is the 5th month and 3+5=8.

The answer is May = 358.

Keep watching the blog for more exciting puzzles, riddles, etc. 

Enjoy n have fun. 

Friday, 16 September 2022

Can you find the missing letter?

Finding the missing letter from the group of letters is a lil' bit difficult task. If the letters are in order the task becomes easy, but if it is jumbled then the task becomes difficult. 

If you are able to solve this optical illusion then your IQ and eye sight are appreciable.

What are you waiting for, Christmas? Start solving the puzzle n prove your IQ and eye sight are excellent. 

But, before solving remember that you should find the letter in just 15 seconds. So, then set your timer on and solve this optical illusion in the given time.


To enlarge the picture click on it or pinch and unpinch to adjust the picture. 

Let's start. 

Have you solved the puzzle of finding the letter within 15 seconds. 

If yes then your IQ n eye sight are simply superb. If not then scroll down to see the answer. 

But, before that please let me know your experience in the comment section. 

The answer for the given puzzle is the letter Q or q. 

Keep watching the blog for more puzzles. Thanks for watching, enjoy n have fun. 

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Can you solve the match stick puzzle?

What is a match stick puzzle? 

Match stick puzzles are puzzles where one is asked to solve a mathematical equation by replacing the Match sticks. Match stick puzzles are little bit hard to solve. A person solving it requires good amount of IQ. 

Let's see if you can solve this puzzle. 

Below given is a mathematical equation which is incorrect, you are required to correct the equation by replacing the Match sticks. 

Are you ready? 

If yes then let's start. So, the equation is 1-1=9, to understand well see the picture and then try to get the answer. 

So, in the picture it is given that 1-1=9 which is wrong. Now what you have to do is just move only two Match sticks and make the calculation correct. 

The two Matchsticks can be removed anywhere from the picture and replace it in the correct place so that the equation or the calculation becomes correct.

 You can take out a matchstick or two from 1 or from 9 or even you can take out one or two Matchsticks from = sign or - sign and get the correct answer. 

You can take out a matchstick or Matchsticks from anywhere from the given picture and replace those Matchsticks to make the calculation correct. 

Think for some time, if you are not getting the answer then scroll down to see the answer. 

The answer for the given equation in the picture is given below. 

See the pictures given below to know the answer. 

The answer for this is take out two matchsticks from 9 and place one at the - symbol to make it + sign and make the other stick 2, thus the calculation is solved. 

Keep on watching for more such puzzles and try to solve them. Enjoy n have fun. 

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