Monday 19 September 2022

Find the missing numbers?

 Find the missing numbers in the picture. This is not calculation related, it is related to good eye sight. 

This optical illusion picture shows few numbers, among which two numbers are missing. If you have good eye sight then you can easily find out the missing numbers. 

Here in this picture there are six numbers among which two are missing. If you watch it meticulously then you can easily find out the numbers. 

The visible numbers here are 5,8,3, and 4. But there are two other numbers which are slightly visible. 

These slightly visible numbers can be found out with keen observation. 

So, look at them carefully to know the missing numbers. 

Here is the picture, watch carefully n find out the missing number mystery. 

I hope you found out the answer, if yes then type in your answers in the comment section. 

If you have not yet found the answer then don't worry, I'll tell you the way to find the answer. 

The missing numbers are between 8 and 3, 3 and 4. 

So, if you want to know the answer just what you need to do is just tilt your phone or laptop or what ever medium through which you are watching. And do it carefully, don't hustle. 

So, when you are tilting the device carefully then you will be able to see the missing numbers which are having less opacity. So, I hope that you have found the answer now. 

If still you have not found the answer, then I'll tell you the answer. 

And the answer for this optical illusion is 1 and 6.

So, 1 and 6 are the answers for this optical illusion. 

Keep on watching for more optical illusion stuff here. Have a nice day. Enjoy n have fun. 

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