Wednesday 5 June 2024

The Doubts of Mr. Doubt

The Doubts of Mr. Doubt are as following:

Why is the water wet? 

Why is the earth and other planets including sun and stars, spherical? 

Why is the fire hot and why is the ice cold? 

Why is the snow white in colour? 

Why do we drive on the parkway and park on the drive way? 

Why is the sky blue  in color? 

What is the another word for synonym? 

If birds can fly then why can't penguins? 

Why is abbreviation such a long word? 

Have you ever heard a psychic winning a lottery? 

Why is the grass green? Why isn't it blue or some other color? 

Why there is no egg in eggplant? 

Why do you fill out a form by filling it in? 

If French fries are not made in France, then why are they called so? 

Why isn't the boxing ring called boxing square?

Why does the quick sand work slowly? 

What came first orange (color) or orange (fruit)? 

Do you live or die after leaving the living room? 

Why aren't there fire melons, if there are water melons? 

Have you wondered which armrest is yours at a movie theater? 

Why delivery on ship called cargo and delivery in car called shipment? 

Why are they called building, if they are already built? 

From where do you think the Nightingale has got such a beautiful voice? 

Which letter is silent in the word scent? Is it S Or is it C? 

Why does the Rainbow have exactly 7 colors? Why not more or why not less than 7 colors? 

Today, you are the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be. 

Is there any relationship between cricket (insect) and cricket (sport)? 

Why can't one hear the silence? 

Don't you think fire truck should be called water truck? 

If you hate prejudiced people, does that make you prejudiced too? 

If one teacher can't teach all the subjects then why one child is expected to study all the subjects?

If I put the hot dog in freezer, will it become cold dog? 

Did you ever see the shadow of the fire? 

What if your daily life was a dream and your dreams were real? 

Why are pizzas not delivered in round boxes? 

Do fishes feel thirsty for water? 

Why does your nose run and your feet smell? 

If gravity exists then how does water evaporate? 

If you are waiting for a waiter then aren't you a waiter? 

Why do people say after dark, when it actually is after light? 

Does the straw have one hole or two holes? 

How does the brain remember that we forgot something, but doesn't remember what that thing was? 

Do animals get hiccups? 

Why do people say that you are 'in' a movie, but the say you are 'on' TV? 

Why does the fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? 

Why are violets blue? 

If the expiry date of the poison is past, then will it be less poisonous or more poisonous? 

Why 'W' is pronounced 'double U', when it actually is 'double V'? 

Why do flammable and inflammable mean the same? 

Why are there no B batteries? 

Why is it that the parrots can talk and other birds can't? 

If McDonald's have happy meal, do they have sad meal too? 

What is the use of two 'ee' in the word Bee?

Why air has no shadow? 

Is it that sand is called sand because it lies between (s)ea and l(and)? 

Do you think that we go to a parallel universe everytime we sleep? 

If tomato is a fruit, then ketchup should be a jam? 

Does the dictionary contain the word dictionary? 

Why is it that hyenas can laugh and other animals can't? 

Did you ever search for google on google, YouTube on YouTube......? 

Why do we wash towels? Aren't we clean when we use them? 

For a desperate employee, after Monday and Tuesday it's like WTF? 

War does not determine who is RIGHT, it determines who is LEFT, isn't it? 

Do you know "Who let the dogs out"? 

Do you know who Pete is, then why are you doing things " For Pete's sake"? 

Why the bathroom is referred as John? 

What if the space has oxygen and we are told it doesn't, just because they don't want us to leave earth? 

If the whole world is a stage, then where are the audience sitting? 

From where do the flowers get those pleasant smell? 

What do sheeps count when they cannot sleep?

Why do banks charge fee for 'insufficient funds' even after knowing that there are no funds in the account? 

If money is the root cause of all evil, then why do they keep on asking for money in the church? 

When butterflies get nervous do they get themselves into their stomach? 

Are earthquakes on Mars called marsquakes? 

If this is 66 sixty six and this is 77 seventy seven then why isn't this 11 onety one? 

Why is the alphabet in the order that it is? 

Why is the word 'shortcut', so long? 

What day of the week do you think the world was created on? 

What is the color of water? 

Why doesn't anyone say, 'it's only a game' when their team is winning? 

How does the shepherd count the sheeps without falling asleep? 

How does the kite fly without any wings? 

Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite? 

After using the vaccum cleaner, if you are cleaning the vaccum cleaner, then aren't you the vaccum cleaner? 

If the speed of light is measured then can we measure the speed of dark? 

Where does the butterfly get it's colors from? 

How does the sponge hold water even if it is full of holes? 

Why can't we sneeze with our eyes wide open? 

What was the time when the first clock was made? 

If you can plant a plant then why can't you tree a tree? 

If a woman is always right and the man is always wrong then what if the man says that a woman is right? Is the man right or wrong? 

Why doesn't the glue stick to it's bottle? 

Can anyone describe a color without using the name of the color? 

Do you know that the word SWIMS is same when you see it upside down? 

Isn't it weird that we have a little voice inside us, like the one you are using to read this. 

How can a fresher get a job, if everyone is asking for 3 to 5 years of work experience? 

If we can't see air, do fish see water? 

If people of Poland are called poles. Why aren't people of Holland called holes and Greenland called greens.....? 

Are red indians red in colour, if not so then why are they called so? 

Do you drink or eat soup? 

What is the taste of the water? 

Are pets called pets because we pet them or do we pet them because they are called pets? 

If there is North Pole and South Pole then where is East Pole and West Pole? 

Why is there a 'D' in fridge, but not in refrigerator? 

Why do women open their eyes while applying mascara to their eyes lashes? 

Do the Sky and the Sea look Blue from the Outer Space? 

If huge creatures like dinosaurs were extinct without a trace, then how do humans think they are invincible? 

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