Saturday 1 June 2024

The Tiger King

Once there was a dense forest where many animals lived together. The forest was well managed by the king of that forest. All the animals were happily living under the reign of the king. 

The king was none other than The Tiger King. The Tiger King was hefty, mighty, and was very generous. He was muscular with golden yellow colored skin with dark stripes. He managed the whole forest without any hazards. Every single animal was happy under the Tiger King's rule. 

Once it so happened that a wild fire erupted and started spreading in the forest and all the animals in that dense forest became anxious and started running here and there causing much chaos. As soon as the Tiger King heard about this, he went to that location and asked all the elephants of that dense forest to assemble before him. As per the order of the Tiger King, all the elephants assembled near the location of the fire eruption. As soon as all the elephants of that forest reached there, the Tiger King ordered all the elephants to go to the nearest river and collect water in their trunks and ordered them to sprinkle that water on the fire. All the elephants did the same and soon the flames extinguished and the fire stopped spreading. In this way, the Tiger King with the help of elephants was successful in putting out fire in the forest. Watching this all the animals in the forest cheered for both the Tiger King and the elephants. 

A few days later, an eagle was resting on a tree and suddenly it heard some noises. To know what was going on there, it flew to a nearby tree from where the noises were coming, and saw few people were cutting down the trees. By seeing this incident the eagle got petrified and went to the Tiger King to tell the whole story that was going on in the woods. The eagle told the Tiger king that, the woodcutters are totally destroying the forest by cutting down the trees. By listening this the Tiger King got ferocious and ran towards the forest area where the woodcutters were cutting the trees. The Tiger King just went there and roared loudly. By hearing this all the people who came to destroy the forest flee leaving their tools behind. Those people never dared to come to that forest again. This made all the animals feel proud of the Tiger King. 

One day, it so happened that, a monkey was jumping from one tree to another tree and suddenly it slipped and fell in a quick sand. The monkey became anxious and started shouting loudly, but there was no one nearby, so no one heard it's voice. The monkey kept on shouting and screaming, but no one could hear it. Suddenly, the Tiger King felt as if someone was shouting in the deep woods. So, without much delay, he ran towards the noise and saw a monkey which was slowly sinking in the quick sand. The Tiger king searched here and there but he couldn't find anything that would be useful for him to help the monkey come out of the quick sand. After looking here and there for some time he saw a huge banyan tree nearby. He went there and stood on his two hind legs and grabbed one of the strong aerial roots of the banyan tree and cut it off and took it near the quick sand and he threw it with force towards the monkey. The monkey couldn't catch the aerial roots for a few times, but finally the monkey caught hold of the roots. The Tiger king from the other end held the aerial roots with his strong teeth and pulled the monkey out of the quick sand. After coming out of the quick sand the monkey felt joyous and showed his gratitude by hailing the name of the Tiger king. 

During the reign of the Tiger king, everyone in the forest felt blissful. There was no word of discontentment anywhere throughout the entire forest. Each and every animal felt safe and had a contented life without any sorrows because of the presence of the Tiger king in that forest. 

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