Once upon a time in a quaint village, there lived boy named Liam. His heart belonged to Emma, a radiant girl with a smile that could light up the darkest of days. Every morning, Liam watched her from afar, admiring her kindness and grace as she interacted with everyone but him. He yearned to express his feelings but fear held him back.
Liam's days were filled with silent administration. He often left little tokens of his affection for Emma - a freshly picked flower, a hand written note, or a simple sketch. Emma though appreciative, never knew the source of these gestures.
One sunny afternoon, Liam gathered the courage to speak to her. With trembling hands and a racing heart, he approached Emma in the village square. As he stood before her, words failed him. His silence spoke volumes, but Emma's eyes held only friendly curiosity.
Weeks turned into months, and Liam's one-sided love remained unspoken. Despite his unrequited feelings, he found joy in Emma's happiness. He realized that true love is selfless, finding contentment in the beloved's joy, even if it means loving from a distance.
Liam's love story, though unfulfilled, was pure - a testament to the silent strength of one-sided love.
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